I like surprising people who feel my muscles. I like how at first they’re all humoring me and prepping some comment about my guns, and then their eyes widen and they swear and they don’t have a smart comment after all. I didn’t think so.
There’re two dahlia gardens in Golden Gate Park, and a boy could win nearly infinite points by offering to go there with me. He could even bring a book and read nearby while I hang over the rail to get closer to the dahlias. Best that he bring a long book. My other friend Megan said that she read a long rant against dahlias somewhere, saying that they’re obvious and unsubtle, “a blowsy whore of a flower.” She says that she hasn’t looked at a dahlia the same way since. Well, I tell you what. If I met the author of that rant, we would have a disagreement!
I like that my streak of reading non-fiction has given way to a streak of reading bodice-rippers. I requested the entire list of well-reviewed books from SmartBitchesTrashyBooks from my library, and it has been all heaving breasts and dramatic declarations of eternal devotion for me. Good. I think that sets the right tone for summer, don't you?