Honey, I like your thinking so much better than mine. Your thinking sounds nice. It is about gentle things or beautiful things or things that will matter to people. I wish my thinking were like that.
My thinking just churns and churns and buzzes all the time. It starts turning in my head and while the making connections part of it is interesting, most of the topic is worrying. I never solve things; I just reach a temporary end, a marker for the beginning of the next session. People can't tell I'm following some thought, so it makes me seem abstracted or spacey. And it is so hard to talk to other people about it. Once you're more than a little way down the thought, other folks don't have the same context. It takes a while to fill them in, and by the time you get to the new parts, it all seems like a lot.
Margie and Dave are so good about listening to me. Poor Margie. I see her at lunch and some days I remember to ask her about herself first. But as soon as she's done, I bust out with some fact trilling recital of a whole morning's thought. We talk about it at the ends of the pool, or if it is really crucial, get out the kickboards. Dave just smiles and asks me what today's theme is. If he asked me today, I would tell him:
1. I finally figured out that I don't like the appropriative system of water rights because it is based on the same model as Original Sin, and I reject the concept of inherited guilt or virtue.
2. What must it be like for Sunne McPeak to sit on the task force that is going to decide what to do in the Delta? She started her career by fighting the Peripheral Canal, and she has enough integrity that I bet she supports it this time. But what does that feel like?
3. Has the agency I work for realized yet that the number one technique that we recommend for dealing with drought (pricing water to encourage conservation) was made unconstitutional by Proposition 218? Maybe we should stop telling water districts to do illegal things. Should I bring that up?
Yeah. See. You think about nice things, crushes and how to be gracious and whether the sky will clear. My thoughts don't go so well. It helps to write them down. Then I don't have to hold the whole thread in my mind when I go on to the next step. I put some of them in an essay below this. But it'd be easier if they didn't ride me so hard in the first place.