I thought through a couple different versions of talking to her. (Actually, that's not true. I thought through a stern speech that shows her the error of her ways and I thought through my understanding kindness that shows her the error of her ways. I didn't think through a version where I listened as hard as I talked. I'll do better in my next incarnation.) But it already didn't matter. My wallet was just the beginning yesterday; she and all her older siblings got banned from the pool for the rest of the summer for other reasons.
Downside: Well, there goes my last slim connection to my wallet.
Upside: I don't have to have a conversation I don't know how to have.
You know that switch I've been working on? The one where you flip it, and then bad shit didn't happen in the first place? I set that aside this year, in favor of rippling triceps, but I'm thinking it is time to get back to work on that.