My dearest. While I eagerly fling myself onto the bandwagon for every project you do (Shakespeare? SHAKESPEARE!!!) and am interested in each and every one of your posts, I think that I will not follow your proposed diagnostic tool with the same enthusiasm. I suspect it is valuable and a good use of technology. But until the day I need it myself, I do not think I will follow this venture of yours.
I absolutely think that you can address and cure the colitis next year. My only slight hesitation is that I hang out with people who do exactly this all the time. I hang out with people who are extremely conscious of food and attentive to their bodies. They try food theories and reject food groups and see results. The good news is that it works. The bad news is that it works and takes attention and self-monitoring and work. And then you can't eat some things. It looks unpleasant. (Although, since I don't experience the unpleasantness of the original ailment, I can't compare.)
You're on your own for that project, but I will help in my small way. Only tell me the results of your foodcure and I will accommodate them however I can. When you move next door to me and we have a dinner group every single night, just tell me whatever regimen you land on. I will make it as delicious as I can.