So I went to hear an author lecture yesterday at breakfast. Smart guy, great storyteller. I've never read any of his books, but will be starting right away. In the course of his talk, he mentioned King Lear, and I felt that familiar pang of shame and wistfulness that happens when people reference classics that I haven't read. I need to read King Lear, I thought. And then I thought, I need to read all of Shakespeare.
So that's my goal for 2009: the complete works of Shakespeare. I got kind of excited about that. What a good goal. 2009: the year of Shakespeare. How erudite I will become! I can't wait for the new year to begin!
And then, of course, I thought about 2008. 2008 was supposed to be The Year of Hip Hop, and The Year of the Reduced Carbon Footprint. I give myself a B- in the Year of the Reduced Carbon Footprint. Carpooling counts; this change of habits has meant I am driving about 10,000 fewer miles in a year than I would have otherwise. I'm also now proselytizing carpooling to others on campus, so I suppose I get a little bit of extra credit for that. We have a hybrid car. But otherwise? No major contributions. I have a few months left to improve my score. Got any easy suggestions?
The Year of Hip Hop is a different scenario. I get a D on this one. I now own five or six albums in the genre, which I enjoy and like to listen to loud while in my car. I ask who an artist is if I hear something I like in a store or restaurant. I'm starting to recognize some names and voices. But I am effectively still a dunce and an unappreciative oaf. I'm still shocked and appalled by some of the lyrics. It takes me a bunch of listens to get over that, and start to think it's fun to sing along to. I'm waiting on the CD you promised me. Maybe I can get up to a C, or even a C+, before the end of the year.