The big day is tomorrow. So far, I'm mostly chill about the whole thing. I'm bummed 'cause I'm sick. I don't remember getting sick in the past couple years and I get sick now? I'm past the fever and ache-y stage, now it is all respiratory. I'm hoping that doesn't make filling my body with air difficult. Well, there's nothing to be done.
The big news is that my rival from the morning workouts hurt her back working out yesterday*. She's out. Now who has a natural lifting body? My too-tall back is fine.
I look at the singlet and I just shake my head. I remember each step of how I got into lifting and I remember the choices I made. Shoot, I may even have written them down. But somehow none of that adds up to the fact that I'm in a powerlifting meet tomorrow. I'm going to put that on and do what in front of my family and friends? I lift things? For sport? For the life of me, I can't think how I got here.
*More seriously, I wish she hadn't gotten hurt. It is better to go up against opponents for real, win or lose. And I don't want anyone to be hurt.