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August 17, 2009


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"Perhaps they should write magazines about improving one's appearance, in three or four easy steps."

Love it.

Most things that improve your health also improve your appearance. If you're not healthy underneath pretty clothes and makeup are just papering over problems. So focus on being healthy first and nice skin, hair, figure, etc. usually follow.

Once you've got that down, then long hair, skirts, and mascara will probably give you the greatest marginal return for marginal effort.

From a Heterocentric Middle-Aged Man:

I second Jacqueline, with the addition of...


Why oh why don't more American women emulate their French counterparts is puzzling: it seems to be an cost-effective way to glamorize a wide range of wardrobes. That said, they're rare enough here (where Midwest-meets-mountains) that any sightings immediately put me in a better mood.

I hung with the nerds in school (well, I was a nerd) and it was part of our creed that appearance wasn't important. That is of course false and stupid. First impressions count. Spending time on appearance is a smart thing to do if you want to accomplish anything. You have to look the part to get through the door.

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