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October 25, 2009


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I do not cook. That is, like, a rule. But since I am getting my own place and will need to buy oatmeal for it, and since the other recipe you gave me has become, with modification, one of my trademarks, I will have to try this. Oatmeal, yay!

Really? Which other recipe worked for you? The torta? The tomato salad?

OH WAIT! I bet it was the mac and cheese! I'm so glad that's working for you!

Also, be forewarned. The recipe wants to sit for a couple hours. Make it the night before, so you can wake up and make delicious pancakes with no trouble at all.


Bor-reeeng. Like your entire bourgeois existence.

Thanks for the recipe! I made the pancakes this morning (I let the batter sit overnight) and they were A-MAZING. mmm.

I am SO GLAD you liked them. They're so good. You're totally right about letting the batter sit overnight.

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