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December 16, 2009


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Thanks, Megan, for your insightful advice - it feels like it's helping already. =)

Megan, You are such a powerful writer (when you are not lamenting fading tans and such). I read your post some weeks ago about reconnecting with one's body. It was so amazing I read it twice and still have not explored completely its full meaning. I plan to end this year with a close re-reading of that post.

Hey! This happened to me. It was near the middle of the final year of school and suddenly my best friend hated me. I couldn't work or how or why, and got no explanation.
Being an introverted 16-year-old I never had the guts to straight out ask him.
The result was 6 months of confusion and hurt, and then school was over and I moved to university in another town. Problem solved. Or rather, buried and ignored.

One year later, at Christmas, I worked up the nerve to contact him, and we met up and had a great day together. Still an introverted 17-year-old; the subject of What-The-Hell-was-last-year-about was never brought up.

Speaking to mutual friends, answers were vague and evasive, but the clearest story I got was that I had been rejected from a university I had applied for (Airforce) and I had been insufficiently upset about it.

That's right, the story was that I was too sanguine about missing out on one place I applied for.

No I don't understand.

I just had a rough couple of days regarding a related issue, and somehow I knew I'd find something helpful and on-point here tonight. Thanks.

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