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December 24, 2009


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Greetings from Turku, Finland, where it's a proper snowy Christmas. I've just had a 90C sauna and I do not want for more heat. Try it! Join us! :P

Megan! We have enough people in California, and you know as well as me, not enough water as it is.

Stay there, Shelly! It really sucks out here in California, really! Having sand in your crack is no way to spend the holiday, believe you me. And when you wear shorts all year long, you have to shave all year long, too!

All this sunshine gets old, and what you don't spend in heating oil, you'll spend in sunscreen instead.

So don't listen to Megan!

It's terrible here. Really.



It's Sherry (not Shelly)!

My apologies!

See? All that sunshine and warmth addles your brain.

Another reason not to move out here.

Megan, I passed through Sacramento this very day, and it was NOT SUNNY. You LIED to us!

I know, NPH! It is SO SAD. Sad that you had to endure a cloudy day; I suffer so when they happen. Also sad that I didn't get to see you. I was, however, in SoCal, on a sunny beach.

AND ALSO, it was sunny and gorgeous in the mountains. With the snow. And the cold. Beautiful.

WINTER holidays? So half the planet doesn't count?

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