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is all that from your garden?
Posted by: Lo | January 06, 2010 at 02:04 AM
Posted by: Susan | January 06, 2010 at 05:52 AM
No no, not from my garden. People stole all six of my tangerines off the baby tree in front. And I don't (yet) have a kiwi vine.
Sadly, I don't have anything growing these days. I want to get a spring garden planted.
Posted by: Megan | January 06, 2010 at 08:23 AM
Looks great. Now where's the protein?
(I was wondering if it was from your garden what wacky schedule you had your plants growing on, 'cause stuff don't ripen in winter AFAIK.
Also: maybe an explanation?)
Posted by: Noel | January 06, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Possible explanations:
1. these are all the spoils of Megan's recent time traveling and teleportation expeditions
2. Safeway ordered slightly too much than their stock room could hold and begged Megan to open her lovely home to foster the orphan produce
3. Megan's house has become a hotspot destination for time travelers and teleporters who have come bearing their locale's most desirable produce as a way of thanking her for introducing them to oatmeal pancakes
4. Megan has started to collect lifelike fake fruits and vegetables
Posted by: Lo | January 06, 2010 at 12:09 PM
What do you mean, stuff doesn't ripen in winter? We're in the heart of citrus season. I mean, it is the last of the apples, but we've got two months of citrus to go. Kiwis will be better in a couple weeks.
This is the fruit side of one trip to Farmer's Market. It is already half gone. Veggies are in the fridge.
Posted by: Megan | January 06, 2010 at 03:26 PM
I'm totally fortunate. I've got fava beans and snap peas coming out of the ground _right now_ in my winter garden. And I've got cover crop sprouting in the new bed in the bottom yard. And I've got a neighbor who is a cool garden geek, so my newbie-itis won't completely ruin my crop. :^)
So, life is good.
ps I have to steal citrus from the neighbor, but he's good with that since it's hanging on our side of the fence!
Posted by: ScottB | January 07, 2010 at 09:19 AM