I've been a little weepy today. Apparently, being showered in love makes me maudlin. It is my birthday today. Anand called first. He sang "happy birthday" to me, but not all breath-y, like Marilyn Monroe. He's engaged now, so I'll have to wait until Chris calls to get the Marilyn Monroe version. A couple months back, Anand mentioned offhand that I'm his best friend. I've been savoring that like the bright scent of lemon for weeks.
My family has called; my Mom and Dad and sister. I'll hear from the babies of the family this afternoon, I bet. Half the babies are my six foot siblings; I should text them in their classes. The littles will call and say happy birthday, but we won't have much of a conversation before they hand the phone to my sister and run off.
Ali took me to a play last night. It was surprisingly good, but would have been fantastic even if had been bad. It took me to a neato new place in Sac and we rode home in the spring-warmed dark, so it was already a perfect night. When I came out of my room this morning, she had laid out everything I use to make coffee in the morning. I am extravagantly spoiled.
Tomorrow I meet up with my college friends for tamales and another show. They will probably wish me happy birthday again.
This all brings me close to happy tears. I feel overfull and blessed, which is nice, but seems a little melodramatic. Perhaps it is the return of the sun and the lengthening days. Perhaps it feels more precious because my good roommates are moving out next week, so I suspect it will be a while before someone sets out my coffee gear for me. Well, I'll take it, because it is very nice. Fortunately, my celebration tonight will be at my gym, and will take the form of 38 fancy push-ups, or 38 pull-ups (with assists) or 38 of something else horrid. Or a rotation of all of it. I will not feel maudlin when I'm done.
(I wrote that this afternoon. The gym celebration turned out to be 38 burpees. Awesome.
OH! And Ali made double dutch jump-ropes for me! We were playing out in the street and we got someone to join in.)