I woke up excited. I sang the voting song, which goes "Voting, voting, vote vote voting, voting voting yeah voting for me." I did the voting dance, which is booty to the right, booty to the left. I got on my bicycles, still singing the voting song. I rode over on a clear blue day and I wept for joy as I locked my bike. Then I stood in line and wept some more. Then I voted and cried when I filled in the bubbles.
I've been trying really hard to understand people who are opposed to gay marriage. I've been trying to understand why they care. I just don't get caring who marries whom. For me, it is so boring that I can barely finish the thought. "So, like, other people's marriage will somehow -what is that squirrel doing?" "Two people of the same sex will GET MARRIED and COOK DINNER EVERY -yum, dinner. Is it too soon to eat lunch?" I cannot fathom caring about other people's personal lives (unless they care to tell me titillating details).
But some people do care. They care enough to try to write laws about it. It really bugs them. It bugs them so much that they go to a lot of trouble and give a lot of money to stop other people from having the personal lives they want*. I don't get it. I want to get it, though. Those are our neighbors, and I want to understand. If I understand, maybe I can tease out some of the drivers of that sentiment, and if I can figure out the drivers, maybe those are susceptible to influence.
So I've been trying to think about what it is like to care about something abstract, something that will never touch my life but still bugs me. Bugs me all the time. Well now, that's not so hard. There are environmental problems that bug me. Mountaintop removal coal mining? Bothers me. The plastic dump in the ocean? Bothers me. Shooting wolves from planes? Bothers me. All the time. Not a lot, but a little, those things nag at me. So I understand the concept that abstract things can be an irritant, effect your wellbeing**. Then I was trying to think of something people would do that would bother me. It would bother me if a white supremecist moved onto my block. Yeah. That would bug me. If I had no contact with the guy ever, I would sit at my dinner table and know that he was there and it would be a lowlevel irritation. So yeah. I guess I can understand caring what someone does in the privacy of his house.
Today, weeping in line, I found out that I've cared about more than I knew. The past eight years have been a weight and a thorn. I know I should care about a big step into the light for my black countrymen, and I do. I have. But from my privileged life and personal vantage, other things matter so much. My goverment will not be incompetent and openly biased toward the already powerful. My highest elected officials will not mock the rule of law. We will not be torturers. We will take the climate crises seriously. I have been ashamed and felt powerless. I am so relieved to vote today. There was a process for changing the nation's direction. Waiting it out fucking sucked, but we have a process and smart people figured it out and we are using it to give us the ability to make things better. I am so relieved.
Today, in a gesture of empathy and understanding to the fucking assholes who would undo my friends' marriages, I will use their words and concepts. Today is a day of redemption and rebirth. I offer tears and love to wash away some smallest fragment of our national sins. We have been offered grace, unearned and limitless and today we had the courage to take it.
One of these days, before very long
Let the light from the lighthouse, shine on me
The whole wide world's gonna sing this song
Let your light from the lighthouse shine on me.
*Of course the important part of voting against Prop 8 is to ensure that all of our people are treated equally under the law. But I must say, if Prop 8 fails tonight, as I dearly hope, I will take vast secondary satisfaction from knowing that it was extremely expensive for a lot of bigoted families. Blowing tens of thousands of dollars on a failed proposition couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people, I say.
**I also decided that you can tell when you've hit on something like this because it seems so self-evidently bad. You get to where repeating the concept seems like it should settle everything. Because they are taking the tops off mountains!! Because she is shooting wolves from planes!!! Shooting wolves!! Planes! Mountains! Tops gone!! So no wonder conversations around this stuff is so bad. I agree with the complaint that no one ever gives a coherent argument against gay marriage, but also think that when opponents stutter in disbelief "Because they're gay and getting married", they are telling you the crux of what they think.